Rush Gearbox Project

Pulverizer Gearbox being rushed for repairs

We recently completed a rush large gearbox rebuild in just 17 days. This gearbox weighed in at 110,000 lbs.

This was a 2,000 HP Cement Pulverizer Gearbox

The gearbox was immediately delivered to the customer site and started producing 160 tons a hour. It’s now running like a top, vibration levels are lower than ever and bearing temperatures are excellent.

Customer Testimonial

Dear HMC Team:
I would like to thank you and your team for all the hard work and dedication given to the repair and improvement of our Philadelphia Gear 3644-UBHX box. Your commitment to excellence and customer satisfaction was evident at every level throughout the shop. I am especially thankful for your empathy to our exposure due to a potential loss of production and making adjustments in you production and engineering schedules to turn the box around in short order.

I must say your shop’s capacity and the precision that comes with it never ceases to impress. I am not sure there is another organization that could have provided such a high level of service, in the time frame we requested.

Thank you again for all your effort and the quality end product.

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